Wednesday 17 August 2011

Online Presence. First Part Due Week 4

In brief: Using blogger and twitter, establish and maintain a semester-long online presence consisting of blog posts, comments and tweets reflecting on the subject material, your research project, and other students' work. You are expected to complete at least one post, three comments, and three tweets each week throughout the semester.

In detail: In this assignment you will acquire and demonstrate skills in establishing and maintaining an online presence consisting of blog posts, blog comments, and tweets. While your blog posts and comments demonstrate your ability to write short coherent pieces of articulate opinion, the character limitation of twitter teaches you to communicate in the format of rapid news feeds.

The task is an individual effort, requiring: 1] that you create a blog using the free blogger service, which will serve as the centre of your online presence; 2] open an account with the twitter micro-blogging service, which will aggregate your 140 character micro-posts (tweets) into a publicly accessible feed; 3] start following the blogs and twitter feeds of other students, and post comments on their blogs. As you can see, there are three aspects to completing this assignment successfully:

Posts: Your blog will form the centrepiece of your online presence. To populate it with content and meet the requirements of this assessment, you are to publish at least one post each week, engaging the lecture, weekly readings, seminar discussions, and sources relevant to your research project. Each week should be considered as a short reflective work, not a summary of the readings or lecture, though you can refer to key terms, quotes, or review main points.

Comments: To meet the participation requirements for this assessment task and in the subject overall you must read and make constructive comments on at least three separate blog posts by other students each week. Your comments should engage constructively and critically with the content of the blog posts. Crucially, to comment successfully on a range of posts you should regularly follow the blogs of other students.

Tweets: While the bulk of your online writing will be done in your blog posts and comments,  your twitter feed allows you to engage on a more informal level with other students and content relevant to the subject and your research. You should post at least three tweets each week, identifying news and sources relevant to your research project. To facilitate informal discussion, you should follow the twitter feeds of other students.

While verbal feedback on your online presence will be offered throughout the semester, you will receive two formal marks for your online portfolio. Part 1 of the assignment is due on Friday, week 4, and requires you to compile your existing posts, comments, and tweets into one document before submission. The same process applies for part 2 of the assignment, due on Friday week 13. Both assignments are to be submitted as single documents via the WebCT assignment dropbox in MSWord (.doc) or Rich Text Format (.rtf). Do not submit PDFs as your tutor will be unable to comment upon your work within the document.

You will be assessed based on how well: 1] Your assignment conforms to these instructions; 2] Your posts engage with subject materials; 3] Your comments engage with other blog posts; 4] Your tweets engage with sources relevant to your research project; 5] Your assignment demonstrates coherence of expression and professional presentation.

You will be trained in the use of blogger and twitter, and be given pointers on integrating them into an online presence during the first two tutorials.

Good Luck Guys

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